Let´s win the fight against the squealing in the curves with innovative technology and clever solutions.
Noise is unhealthy for humans, that´s a fact and it is documented by many of studies!
Some background noises, which disturb us in our daily life and even rob us our sleep, have a very negative impact on us.
One of these background noises can be the squealing, which especially arises between rail and wheel during driving curves. No matter if its caused by a main-line track, a tramway or by a metro.
There are also studies from railway operators and from universities which proved, that a friction modifier between the wheel and the rail, reduces the noise considerably!
The „same“ is happening, when it`s raining! In this case the water takes over the function of the friction modifier. The noise nearly disappeares. But with a negative secondary effect! The traction is getting worse and the acceleration and the braking of the railway can become a big challenge.
So we faced the problem, and we started the fight against the arising squeal in the curves!
Our longtime experience with respective lubricants and our Know-How in the choice and conception of the lubrication systems, give us the best chance to win the challenge.
A very good example is the „Mariazellerbahn“
, the curve squeal is history!
Together with the operating company of the railway, we evaluated the different possibilities and chose the most suitable! Spray systems were built into the trains which are operated via high-end GPS computer and which are spraying a special lubricant on the top of rail. When the desired position is reached, the computer gives a signal to the spraying device. With this way of proceeding we reach a completely coverage of the railway track between St. Pölten and Mariazell, and back. At the moment 38 problem positions are covered, in 2018 significant more spraying positions are supposed to be added.
Already positive feedback has come from the residents, and also the daily newspaper „Kronen Zeitung“ reported about the reduced curve squealing.
Kronen Zeitung, October 2017
MBM – with compentence everything from one hand.
As simple as possible – as good as the best.
Your contact person at MBM: Mr. Günter Herzig
Phone number: +43 (0) 2231 66000-23 , Email: office(at)mbm-tech.at