Let´s win the fight against the squealing in the curves with innovative technology and clever solutions.
Stationary rail lubrication systems for efficient use!
Only four simple points are the secret of perfect rail lubrication systems:
the right lubricant…
…in the right quantity…
…on the right place…
…at the right time.
The stationary high-end-lubrication systems for rail from MBM meet all these criteria. They are used to protect critical track sections from wear and they also prevent noise effectively. They are very simply and modularly constructed and they are containing very high quality components.
This allows a tailor made solution for every situation. The rail lubrication systems are produced in Austria and they are especially designed for the high-tech lubricant from IGRALUB. The exact dosing of smallest quantities of the biodegradable lubricant, makes high efficient lubrication, with a minimum of applied lubricant quantity , possible.
That´s good for both – for our environment and for your LCC.
Your contact person at MBM: Mr. Günter Herzig
Phone number: +43 (0) 2231 66000-23 , Email: office(at)mbm-tech.at